Phanar thanks hierarch of Cyprus for his position against Pat. Theophilos

16 January 2020 21:13
Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Photo: Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Photo:

The Primates of the two Churches decided to keep in touch to solve ecclesiastic problems.

On January 14, 2020, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople congratulated Archbishop Chrysostomos II of the Cypriot Orthodox Church on being the first to oppose the initiative of Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem to convene a Primates’ Council of Local Churches, Vimaorthodoxias website reports.

The Patriarch of Constantinople also expressed concern about the health of the Head of the Church of Cyprus and wished the latter a speedy recovery. The First Hierarchs agreed to stay in touch to resolve important Orthodox issues.

As reported by the UOJ, the Head of Phanar believes that the Council of Primates cannot serve the unity of Orthodoxy in any way, since the First in the Diptych will not attend the event. He also demanded that the Jerusalem Patriarch cease to persist with the Council idea.

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