OCU promises "not to throw Filaret onto the street"

05 December 2019 21:09
The head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko. Photo: liga.net The head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko. Photo: liga.net

The "Holy Synod" of the OCU allowed "Patriarch" Filaret to perform services at St. Vladimir’s Cathedral and live on voluntary donations from parishioners.

The session of the “Holy Synod” of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine held on December 5 considered the issue of the position of the “Honorary Patriarch” Filaret Denisenko in the structure of the OCU. The reason for this was the final liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate, as reported on the website of the OCU.

The "Synod" decided to create a religious organization as part of the OCU in the form of a mission, which the "Honorary Patriarch" will lead. Filaret was assigned the right to reside in a complex of buildings in at 36 Pushkinskaya Street, Kiev, and serve for life at St. Vladimir’s Cathedral. The "patriarch" and his missions will support themselves through deductions from St. Vladimir’s Cathedral and voluntary donations.

The “Synod” emphasizes that “the rumors that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine “wants to throw Patriarch Filaret onto the street” are false and groundlessly provoke misunderstandings among believers and the public”.

As reported earlier, Filaret Denisenko accused Patriarch Bartholomew of an intention to destroy the Kiev Patriarchate.

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