Jerusalem hierarch: Put on a humility chiton and accept Patriarch’s appeal

28 November 2019 02:45
Metropolitan Timothy (Margaritis) of Vostra. Photo: Romfea Metropolitan Timothy (Margaritis) of Vostra. Photo: Romfea

If the Churches are interested in unity, they must “give up their interests and privileges of origin” and accept the offer of Jerusalem about the Synaxis of Primates.

Now it is extremely important to find a way out of the impasse the Orthodox Church is facing due to the “Ukrainian issue”, according to the hierarch of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, the exarch of the Most Holy Sepulcher in Cyprus, Metropolitan Timothy (Margaritis) of Vostra. The appeal of the hierarch was published on November 27 by the Greek Orthodox resource Romfea.

The hierarch recalled that historically the Church of Jerusalem was once a venue for the Primates of the Churches where historical decisions were made to defend the faith.

“Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem are not to meet in the Holy City for the first time on issues of great importance to the Church! After the Ferraro-Florentine (Ferraro-Florentine Council of 1443-1445, at which the Church of Constantinople recognized the primacy of Rome and accepted the dogmas of the Catholic Church – Ed), the three patriarchs met in Jerusalem and condemned the signing of the union,” recalled His Eminence Timothy.

The hierarch called to remember that Jerusalem was the center to which the apostles returned after the evangelization of nations to discuss the problems that arose. According to him, in the minds of Christians, the Holy City remained the "City of the King of Christ", while Jerusalem is revered as the "Mother of all Churches".

“In view of the impasse that arose in Orthodoxy due to the Ukrainian issue, the daughter-Churches which are experiencing a grievous split now, if they are really interested in the unity of the CHURCH, <...> they must give up their interests and privileges of origin and put on a chiton of humility and reconciliation, follow the appeal of His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem, and after long prayers meet in the Holy Spirit to find a solution to the problem that divides the Church of Christ so that the unity of the Orthodox can be restored,” said Metropolitan Timothy of Vostra.

Recall, on November 21, 2019, the Primate of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Patriarch Theophilos III, announced that he was convening the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches in Jordan to discuss the issue of the OCU. The proposal of the Patriarch was supported in the Russian and Albanian Churches, whereas the head of the Church of Greece, Archbishop Ieronymos, who was the first after Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople to recognize the OCU, refused to participate in the pan-Orthodox discussion and announced his possible resignation.

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