“Ukrainian issue” isn't included in the agenda of the Greek Church Council

04 October 2019 23:45
Участники Архиерейского Собора Элладской Церкви. Фото: romfea.gr Участники Архиерейского Собора Элладской Церкви. Фото: romfea.gr

The Holy Synod of the Greek Church has issued a press release on the upcoming Bishops' Council to be held in October 2019, with no “Ukrainian issue” on the agenda.

A press release of the upcoming Council of Bishops of the Church of Greece has been published, in which the consideration of the “Ukrainian issue” is not on the agenda, reports “Romfea”.

In particular, the document says that on October 8, from 6:30 to 8:30, the Divine Liturgy will be held, and at 9:00 the proceedings of the first Session of the Council of Bishops of the Church of Greece will begin.

After that, the reports of His Beatitude Archbishop Jerome of Athens and All Greece and the Synod Committees will be heard. After the break, new Synodal Committees for 2020-2023 are to be created.

The next day, October 9, the Synod Committees' Reports on the Church Year 2018-2019 will be presented by their Honorable Presidents and a discussion will follow on contemporary issues that concern the Church and the Greek people, including youth unemployment, civil marriages, and bioethical issues. 

On Thursday, October 10, the Proceedings of the previous Session will be read and endorsed. Metropolitan Maximos of Ioannina will read his Recommendation: "The Effects of Digital Technology and the Wider Technical Spirit on the Role and Mission of the Church." 

This will be followed by a talk by the Honorable Bishop Nicholas of Mediterranean and Lavra on "The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence".

On Friday, October 11, the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece will fill the vacant metropolises and the vacancies of vicar bishops.

Finally, it will vote on the Regulations and deal with current service issues.

In addition, the press release does not indicate whether the “Ukrainian issue” will be included in the agenda of the February Synod of the Church of Greece.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that at the upcoming meeting of the Council of Bishops of the Church of Greece, which will be held on October 8, the "Ukrainian issue" will not be discussed.

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