Greek hierarch: All Primates of Local Churches do not recognize OCU

28 September 2019 01:20
Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera and Antikythera. Photo: Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera and Antikythera. Photo: "Romfea"

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera declared that none of the Primates of the Autocephalous Local Churches commemorates Epiphany Dumenko during the Divine service.

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera and Antikythera of the Greek Orthodox Church said that all Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches do not recognize the Ukrainian “autocephaly”, reports the Greek edition “Romfea”.

Responding to his critics who accused him of dislike for the Patriarch of Constantinople, Metropolitan Seraphim said that he respects "Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the institution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as a whole". But at the same time, as a bishop of the Church, Vladyka Seraphim believes that "he is obliged to fulfil the word of the Divine Truth, the Synod and the Bishops' Council".

In particular, Metropolitan Seraphim emphasized that not only he personally but also the whole host of Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches "do not recognize Ukrainian autocephaly, do not commemorate the new ‘Primate’ (during the service – Ed.)".

In his opinion, the Tomos was given “under the pressure of strong world factors”, and the initiative to grant it “is a clearly illegal precedent that clearly contradicts the Holy Canons and the tradition of two millennia of our Church”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera urged not to pray with schismatics from the OCU.


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