UOC-KP to hold an action of civil disobedience against Ministry of Culture

15 August 2019 23:00
Activist Neonila Tkachenko and the Activist Neonila Tkachenko and the "priest" of the UOC-KP Vitaly Senik. Photo: Facebook

Representatives of the UOC-KP announced the action of civil disobedience in connection with the illegal liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate by the Ministry of Culture.

The activist of the public organization “For All Odessa” Neonila Tkachenko and the “priest” of the UOC-KP from Odessa Vitaly Senik recorded a video message in which they informed the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine that on August 27, 2019, representatives of the UOC-KP will hold a civil disobedience action in connection with the liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate .

According to Neonila Tkachenko, the news about the liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate outraged believers not only in Ukraine but also abroad "who have their temples taken away", and it was the desire to protect the rights of Ukrainians that forced the UOC-KP to appeal to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine with a request to publish a normative legal act according to which the Kiev Patriarchate is liquidated.

The activist emphasizes that “this act applies to an indefinite circle of individuals, to a very large number of Ukrainians, to the jurisdictions of other states,” and that’s why, “such an act must be published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine for legal experts to give it legal assessment and be able to freely challenge in court.”

She drew attention to the fact that repeated information requests to the Ministry of Culture still remain unanswered, which “leads to an appeal to law enforcement agencies with a statement of offences and official non-compliance”.

In addition, representatives of the UOC-KP announced for the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine "an intention to rally on August 27, 2019, for a civil disobedience action to the order, an action against unlawful acts of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, who signed an order to liquidate the Kiev Patriarchate."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Filaret Denisenko called on his flock to protest against Epiphany Dumenko: “Appeal to the authorities, protest. But you need to protest against Epiphany because everything is done under his control."


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