Mass media: Epiphanius (Dimitriou) elected bishop of Olvia by OCU “Synod”

24 May 2019 20:44
Archimandrite Epifanios (Demetriou). Photo: Archimandrite Epifanios (Demetriou). Photo:

Archimandrite Epiphanius (Dimitriou), cleric of Demetrias and Almuros Metropolis of the Orthodox Church of Greece, joined the "Episcopate" of the OCU.

On May 24, 2019, the "Holy Synod" of the OCU elected Archimandrite Epifanios (Demetriou) Bishop of Olvia, the Greek resource Romfea reported.

It is known that Archimandrite Epiphanius (Dimitriou) actively cooperates with Phanar. In particular, he was awarded by Patriarch Bartholomew for his active participation in the revival of the Halki Theological School.

It is assumed that the appearance of the Greek Bishop in the OCU is aimed at the recognition of the newly formed church structure by the Local Orthodox Churches.

Earlier, the Greek news agency announced information that the cleric of the Church of Hellas was going to become the "bishop" of the OCU, but the name of the priest was not known. His ordination, with the participation of the hierarchs of the Constantinople Patriarchate, was scheduled for 25 May.

The UOJ learned the name of the Greek "bishop" of the OCU from its own sources. It was assumed that Archimandrite Epiphanius would become the "bishop" of Mariupol.

Note that Olvia (ancient Greek Ὀλβία – happy, rich) is an ancient Greek colony, founded by people from Miletus in the first quarter of the 6th century BC on the right coast of the Dnepr-Bug estuary to the south from modern Nikolaev and modern village of Parutino of Ochakov district, Nikolaev region.

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