5,000 believers walk in Easter cross procession through Vinnitsa streets

29 April 2019 18:42
В Виннице прошел пасхальный крестный ход В Виннице прошел пасхальный крестный ход

More than 5,000 believers took part in the Easter cross procession in Vinnitsa, which was led by Archbishop Varsonofy of Vinnitsa and Bar.

On April 28, 2019, the Easter cross procession from the St. George the Victorious Church to the Resurrection Church took place in Vinnitsa, reports the eparchy’s press service.

About 5,000 people gathered for the prayer procession, including the priests and the laity of the Vinnitsa Eparchy, headed by Archbishop Varsonofy.

The religious procession went through the city centre, passed the cathedral seized by the OCU, and ended with the Easter service near the Resurrection Church.

The procession was accompanied by a bell ringing.

At the end of the procession near the Resurrection Church, the Paschal vesper and matin services were held.

During the service, the archpastor gave clerics of the Vinnitsa Eparchy liturgical awards.

After the service, Archbishop Varsonofy congratulated the faithful on the occasion of Easter and presented Сertificates of Appreciation to members of the Holy Prince Yaroslav the Wise Brotherhood, who are actively involved in protecting the parishes of the Vinnitsa Eparchy.

As the UOJ reported, earlier His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry blessed all the faithful children of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to pray throughout the Great Lent for peace in Ukraine.

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