UOC hierarc: Hilandar categorically does not accept Ukrainian schismatics

20 April 2019 00:15
The Hilandar Monastery, Holy Mount Athos The Hilandar Monastery, Holy Mount Athos

In the Serbian monastery of Hilandar on Holy Mount Athos, all pilgrims from Ukraine, both the clergy and laity, are thoroughly checked.

The Hilandar Monastery categorically does not accept representatives of the schismatic church structures from Ukraine, the abbot of the Trinity Ioninsky Monastery in Kiev, Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov) of Obukhov, who is now visiting Holy Mount Athos, reported on his Facebook page.

“We have just left wonderful Hilandar. The abbot of the monastery, Fr. Methodius, asked to give his kind regards to Metropolitan Onufry and to all faithful children of our Church. The Serbs categorically do not accept schismatics, both the "clergy" and the laity, in the monastery, all Ukrainian pilgrims are asked who their metropolitan is. The porter (gatekeeper) even forbade monastic bus drivers from to carry schismatics from the quay to the monastery,” wrote Vladyka Jonah.

We remind that earlier the Jerusalem Orthodox Church has tightened the verification of the clergy from Ukraine.

As the UOJ reported, the Serbian Patriarchate informed all the Local Churches that it does not recognize the OCU and considers the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to be the only canonical Church in Ukraine.

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