Sumy: Cathedral community is unanimously loyal to the UOC

16 February 2019 00:05
Спасо-Преображенская религиозная община города Сумы заявила о верности УПЦ Спасо-Преображенская религиозная община города Сумы заявила о верности УПЦ

820 parishioners of the Savior Transfiguration religious community of Sumy were unanimous in their decision to support the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its Primate.

On February 14, 2019, after the evening festive divine service in honor of the Meeting of the Lord, an assembly of the Savior Transfiguration religious community of Sumy was held. It was conducted by the Metropolitan Eulogy of Sumy and Akhtyrka, the press service of Sumy diocese informs.

Members of the religious community of the cathedral expressed their opinion that changing the existing canonical status and jurisdictional affiliation is unacceptable to them.

During the voting, 820 participants in the meeting of the Savior Transfiguration religious community of Sumy unanimously reaffirmed their loyalty to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by its Primate, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine.

The parishioners declared the inadmissibility of pressure from any side on the clergy and laity of the Savior Transfiguration religious community and attempt to transfer it or alienate its property to other religious jurisdictions.

The parish congregation ended with the “It is Truly Meet” prayer and the blessing of the ruling bishop.

As the UOJ reported, the information about the widespread support of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its Primate by religious communities comes from different regions of Ukraine. In particular, the community of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Odessa supported the UOC and Metropolitan Onufriy.


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