OSCE in Vinnitsa obtains the facts of oppression of UOC believers

13 February 2019 20:35
Архиепископ Винницкий и Барский Варсонофий встретился с представителями ОБСЕ. Архиепископ Винницкий и Барский Варсонофий встретился с представителями ОБСЕ.

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission monitors the religious situation in Ukraine. In this regard, meetings in Zaporozhye, Odessa, Pochaev, and Vinnitsa have been held.

On February 12, 2019, Archbishop Varsonofy of Vinnitsa and Bar met with representatives of the OSCE Monitoring Mission. The meeting was devoted to the religious situation in Ukraine in connection with the creation of the OCU and the bestowal of the Tomos on autocephaly to the new religious structure by the Patriarch of Constantinople, reports the press service of the eparchy.

Vladyka told the OSCE representatives about the difficult interfaith situation in the Vinnitsa region, the facts of discrimination and oppression of clerics and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Archbishop Varsonofy cited violent actions of OCU supporters against believers and the clergy of the UOC, examples of violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as cases of forced transfer of parishes to the newly established church structure.

As the UOJ reported, takeovers of UOC temples and the inaction of the government were discussed at the meeting of the Pochaev Lavra monks and representatives of the OSCE Monitoring Mission held on February 11. Lawyers from the NGO Public Advocacy informed the OSCE SMM officers that they register the increasing number of violations of the rights of UOC communities and report them to international human rights organizations.

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