Pat. Irinej of Serbia: We do not recognize OCU and pray for canonical UOC

04 February 2019 22:28
Patriarch Irinej of Serbia Patriarch Irinej of Serbia

The Serbian Orthodox Church does not recognize the newly established church structure in Ukraine as canonical, declared Patriarch Irinej of Serbia.

The Primate of the Church of Serbia explained that he was praying for the canonical unity of Orthodoxy and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This is reported by "Izvestia".

“They sent (an invitation to the enthronement of “metropolitan” Epiphany – Ed.) but we replied that we did not want to attend. We are not going to recognize them. We pray for the canonical unity, for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” said the First Hierarch.

As the UOJ reported, the enthronement of Epiphany Dumenko, which took place on February 3 in the Sophia Cathedral, was attended by none of the hierarchs of the Local Churches except Constantinople. However, it was attended by the Roman Catholics, the head of the UGCC and the Protestants.


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