Penkovka believers of Vinnitsa region declare their allegiance to UOC

23 January 2019 17:32
At a recent meeting in the Vinnitsa region, the clergy of the three Orthodox eparchies unanimously expressed support for His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry and the Holy Synod of the UOC At a recent meeting in the Vinnitsa region, the clergy of the three Orthodox eparchies unanimously expressed support for His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry and the Holy Synod of the UOC

The Vinnitsa eparchy denied the fake about the “transfer” of the Penkovka religious community to schismatics.

The press service of the Vinnitsa eparchy refuted the untrue media reports that the community of the St. Nicholas Church of the UOC in the village of Penkovka of th Litin district has moved to the schismatic OCU.

“On January 13, a meeting of the Penkovka religious community was held under the chairmanship of Protopriest Vitaly Nedipich, rector of the St. Nicholas Church, and in the presence of the dean of the Litin Deanary Protopriest Oleg Makar,” the eparchy’s website reports. “It was decided to remain faithful to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry.”

It was decided to create a new religious community of the OCU in the village at a meeting of the territorial community. However, according to the law, it is the decision of the religious community that has legal force, and the latter clearly expressed its position on January 13 – to remain in the bosom of the canonical Church.

As the UOJ reported, the community of the village of Lukashovka of the Vinnitsa region also refused to transfer to the OCU.

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