Abp. Filaret refutes fake about decree distributed on behalf of eparchy

02 December 2018 22:32
Archbishop Filaret (Zverev) of Novaya Kakhovka and Genichesk Archbishop Filaret (Zverev) of Novaya Kakhovka and Genichesk

The fake "decree" allegedly signed by Archbishop Filaret of Novaya Kakhovka and Genichesk was published online on December 1, 2018.

The fake document distributed on behalf of the head of the Novaya Kakhovka Eparchy orders to cease the commemoration of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and blesses to introduce the commemoration of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

"On this occasion, I must report briefly and clearly: this is a fake," Archbishop Filaret commented on the appearance of the document.

Vladyka noted that he had “learned with great surprise” about the existence of a “decree”.

“The head, the signature, and the seal were indeed copied from some document issued by the Novaya Kakhovka Eparchy’s Office,” he said and added: “But the content of this “work” causes both laughter and sadness.”

According to the bishop, the outgoing number of the “decree” does not correspond to reality: under this number, the resolution on the burial according to the Orthodox rite of the person who committed suicide was registered in August. The document date is also a fake. “At least because at that time I was in hospital outside Novaya Kakhovka and Kherson. Only I have access to the Chancellor’s seal; there is no facsimile of my signature. Draw your own conclusions,” said the hierarch.

Vladyka Filaret drew attention to the fact that the fake was compiled with a number of grammatical, linguistic, and most importantly, liturgical inaccuracies, while the bishop is the chairman of the Synodal Liturgical and Divine Service Commission. In particular, “the title of the Patriarch (Moscow or Constantinople) is not indicated in the litany,” said Archbishop Filaret.

“It becomes immediately clear for those who know my style of writing documents at least a little that the document “with my signature” was obviously created not by me,” Archbishop Filaret says in his commentary. “The conclusions are sad. If someone thinks that in such a way they help restore church unity, I feel sorry for the unfortunate, who in principle do not understand what the Church is. If someone wants to sow discord in our eparchy in this way ... smart people say that evil is like dirt: thrown at someone, it will either reach or not, and you will be marred without fail. You have demonstrated your qualities and put your dirt on public view for the whole world to see.”

The head of the Novaya Kakhovka Eparchy called on the clergy and believers "not to believe in another cheap Internet sensation".

As the UOJ reported, earlier Archbishop Filaret (Zverev) of Novaya Kakhovka and Genichesk publicly refuted the rumours about his plans to transfer to the SLC

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