Our only fear is to be outside the canonical Church, – UOC hierarch

21 September 2018 17:00
Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), Chancellor of the UOC Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), Chancellor of the UOC

On the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Met. Anthony said that the main thing for believers is not to panic and remain faithful to the Holy Orthodox Church.

On September 21, at the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Chancellor of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol and Brovary told the UOC that the only fear that can take place in the soul of believers is to be outside the canonical Church.

"Today, some media and various politicians sound aggressive of our believers," the Metropolitan noted. "But the Church has never been at peace." We must understand that this world cannot easily take the words and life of the Orthodox Church, the Church of Christ on earth, which is at war with sin, which testifies of the truth and the world that lies in evil, as the Holy Scripture reads."

In the opinion of the hierarch, the most important thing for believers right now is not to panic, remain calm and adhere to the Holy Scripture.

"There are a lot of fears in this world," he explained. "But the greatest fear that can take place in our souls is the fear of being outside the Church, the canonical Church, which supports the purity of faith from Christ the Savior himself, from the apostles. Therefore, the main thing is to preserve peace, stability, listen to the words of the Primate, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry, on whom the Lord has placed such a great burden – to bear this primate ministry and lead the ship of the Church of Christ in this stormy sea."

"If God is with us, then no one is against us," concluded Metropolitan Anthony and added that neither believers nor priests should yield to the various slander and temptations they are exposed to: "We are not the first whom the Lord directed to carry and live in this world in the Church of Christ, and if the Lord gives the world the future, then we are not the last. The main thing is that we must feel responsible for preserving the purity of the faith of the church organization, being faithful to the Holy Orthodox Church."

Earlier, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) said that the way that Fanar chose to heal the schism in Ukraine hurts the canonical UOC.

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