Filaret-awarded Senator turns out a lobbyist of same sex marriages

23 September 2018 00:55
Rob Portman with his wife and children Rob Portman with his wife and children

Rob Portman, who was awarded by the UOC KP head, is the first Republican Senator to openly support same-sex marriages.

The US Senator from Ohio, Republican Rob Portman, who received an award from Filaret "for the constant support of Ukraine," openly advocates marriage equality.

Previously, Portman had an opposite opinion and lobbied the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – the law passed during the presidency of Bill Clinton. In accordance with this law, the recognition of gay marriages was prohibited at the federal level. Today, this item of law was abolished by the US Supreme Court.

Portman was compelled to revise drastically his positions after the coming-out of one of his sons, Will. In an interview, the Senator said, "My position on marriage issues for same-sex couples is rooted in the tradition of our faith, which states that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. However, knowing that my son is gay prompted me to consider this issue from a different point of view: as a father who wants all his three children to live a happy life with the people they love."

As reported by the UOJ, the leader of the Kiev Patriarchate, Filaret, earlier awarded the Order of St. Vladimir the Great of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince II to another well-known gay marriage lobbyist – former US Vice President Joseph Biden who believes that the protection of the rights of sexual minorities is a distinctive feature of civilized countries and should stand above national cultures and social traditions.

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