In Kiev, believers protest against the ban of old-style passports

20 September 2018 18:17
Believers are picketing the Supreme Court because of ID cards Believers are picketing the Supreme Court because of ID cards

Believers demand that they should be allowed to be issued old-style passports.

The protesters oppose the decision of the Supreme Court to ban the refusal of a new passport, reports the "Korrespondent".

At the walls of the Supreme Court in Kyiv, a hundred of believers are protesting against the decision to ban the refusal of ID cards. Some of them were given access to the court building, where an exemplary case on this issue is being considered.

The believers demand to be allowed to receive an old-style passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of a passport booklet instead of ID-cards.

The participants of the action declare that biometric documents offend the citizens' rights to privacy of individuals. They do not agree with the assignment by the bodies of the migration service, when issuing a new passport, of a unique entry number in the Single State Demographic Register that is maintained against all citizens who receive this passport.

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the new passports will only be issued in the form of ID-cards.

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