MP Mosiychuk concerned about the fate of St. Athanasius of Lubny’s relics

24 August 2018 19:40
Deputy Igor Mosiychuk (right) in the Mgar Transfiguration Monastery Deputy Igor Mosiychuk (right) in the Mgar Transfiguration Monastery

Igor Mosiychuk assured that he would see to the return of the relics of St. Athanasius of Lubny to the Mgar Monastery.

Igor Mosiychuk, a deputy from the Radical Party, said that he would facilitate the transfer of the relics of St. Athanasius of Lubny from Kharkov to the Mgar Monastery (Poltava region). The politician reported this on his Facebook page.

Mosiychuk said that he had visited the Mgar Monastery, which was looted by the Bolsheviks in the last century.

"In particular, the relics of Athanasius the Wonderworker of Lubny were taken to Kharkov. Together with the Leader (Oleg Liashko, – Ed.), we will assist in the return of the relics to the place of the saint’s repose," Mosiychuk wrote in his post.

In the comments, the deputy spoke against the fact that the Mgar Monastery belongs to the UOC.

At present, the relics of St. Athanasius of Lubny are rested at the Annunciation Cathedral of Kharkov.

Earlier, Igor Mosiychuk urged the SBU to take action because of the Sunday School Festival, which took place in the Rivne eparchy on August 8, 2018.

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