Believers will not give their shrines to anyone, – bishop of UOC

02 August 2018 17:43
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

The UOC commented on the intentions of the head of the Kiev "patriarchate" to appropriate church property.

Filaret's intentions to appropriate the property of the UOC are against the law. Archbishop Theodosius of Boyarka said this in an interview with "Vesti", commenting on Filaret's statement that the property of the UOC would be transferred to the Single Local Church of Ukraine.

"We can definitely say that these statements are absolutely contrary to the legal regulations," the bishop said. "I think his claims are very serious if the leader makes such statements." How feasible are they? Quite possible, because Filaret enjoys the support of the Ukrainian political elite."

According to Archbishop Theodosius, the Verkhovna Rada has been planning to adopt the so-called anti-church bills that can legalize church raiding for several years.

"We know that different radical groups are at a low start to engage in raiding," Archbishop Theodosius said. - By and large, Filaret voices the prospects of religious confrontation, which may begin in Ukraine if radical forces and politicians get a go-ahead for such a scenario."

According to the hierarch, this can lead to a global confrontation on religious grounds, after all, the Kiev-Pechersk and Pochaev Lavras are in Filaret’e focus.

"Naturally, believers will not give their shrines to anyone and will defend them. All can lead to civil confrontation. I cannot understand why Filaret and politicians, his supporters need this. This will bring enormous harm to Ukraine, our society, and it is not known how it will end," concluded the bishop.

In a recent interview, the head of the UOC KP stated that "there is no property of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine. The property of the Church in Ukraine is the property of the Ukrainian Church," and Lavras will have to be handed over to the "newly formed" church structure.

Earlier, the head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Hilarion said that the realization of the intention of the Kiev Patriarchate to take away the Kiev-Pechersk and Pochaev Lavras could lead to bloodshed.


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