Parishioners of the seized church in Kolosovaya builds a new temple

25 April 2018 13:38
In the coming months, the community will complete in-house work In the coming months, the community will complete in-house work

Believers are preparing to move to a new church at the patronal feast.

The parishioners of the St. John the Theologian Church in vlg. Kolosovaya of the Kremenets district, Ternopol region, who lost their temple as a result of the raids of the UOC KP, built a new church for themselves. The building has already been commissioned, all the relevant documents to it have been issued, and in the coming months the community will complete the in-house work and move from the temporary prayer room to the new church, said the regent of the local church choir Maya Ramskaya to a UOJ correspondent.

"With God's help, we are working to perform the first service on our saint patron Apostle John the Theologian day, October 9 of this year," the parishioners shared their hope.

We recall that in the summer of 2016, the church belonging to the community of the UOC of vlg. Kolosovaya was seized by supporters of the Kiev Patriarchate and representatives of local radical associations. Left without a church, the community of the UOC lost its status as a legal entity. Now this decision of the regional government is being repeatedly reviewed in court. However, the believers, without wasting time, began the construction of a new building in exchange for the seized one, with the support of the Church, the Favor Foundation and benefactors.

In the spring of 2017 there was only a foundation on the construction site. For a year, working almost exclusively on their own, the parishioners of the canonical Church have almost completed the project.



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