CF "Favor" to aid Khodosy believers whose church is seized by radicals

30 November 2017 02:44
The Favor Foundation is launching a new project that aims to help the community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Khodosy in the construction of a Sunday school and the completion of the interior work of a new church built by benefactors instead of the seized one by representatives of the UOC-KP and radical-minded people in 2014. This was said by a member of the Board of Trustees Artem Aksenov at a meeting with the rector and the elder of the seized church, the website of the Favor Foundation reports.

"After the seizure of the church, a fellow villager had a possibility to sell a land plot for a nominal fee for the future temple. We did not conflict with those who had broken away from us and joined the Kyiv Patriarchate: we built and prayed. The schismatics did not believe that we would construct a new church. Gradually, the aggression was gone: they saw that we had raised the church, though not completed yet, but there is a place where to pray and we do not show aggression in return. We all began to live peacefully," said the churchwarden Nikolai Romaniuk. "Father suggested that a Sunday school be built so that the children already understand what worship is and for what it is necessary."

Artem Aksenov promised to make every effort of the Foundation to raise awareness of other Orthodox in the country of the needs of a small community of the faithful in vlg. Khodosy so that people could help them as much as possible. "Orthodox people understand that a peaceful solution costs a lot, that any peace is worth the trouble. To live in peace, you need to work spiritually on yourself and not turn away from your neighbour. We see our task in conflict resolution," the representative of the Fund concluded.

You can aid the Khodosy community on the page of the CF "Favor".

Earlier, the UOC together with the CF "Favor" has launched the charity mission "Drop of Peace" to raise funds for the construction of new churches for communities that have their church property taken away.
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