Uniates are not going to reconcile with the Orthodox in reality, – media

08 November 2017 09:25
Uniates are not going to reconcile with the Orthodox in reality, – media
Journalist Sergei Nazarchuk considers the justifications of the UGCC leadership regarding the seizure by the Uniates of the Orthodox Annunciation Church in Kolomiya a sign of reluctance to end the interfaith conflict, according to "Argumenty i Fakty" ("Arguments & Facts").

"The statements by two representatives of the higher circles of the UGCC show that the Uniates are not really going to reconcile in reality," he said. "It's just an attempt to whitewash your image, badly spoilt by the excesses of the Uniate clergy in Kolomyia."

According to Nazarchuk, the main goal of the UGCC is to transfer the solution of the issue to the level of a certain commission, which would include representatives of both confessions and local authorities.

"Shevchuk tried to initially put the local authorities in the position of those to blame," the journalist continues. "This is aimed not only at shifting the responsibility for the seizure off the Uniates, but also "encouraging" it to "whitewash the blame". In his commentary, the head of the UGCC gives a clue how this can be done, focusing on some moral rights of the Uniates to occupy the Annunciation Church."

Thus, in his opinion, one can assume that within the framework of an incomprehensible commission, the UOC will face pressure not only from the UGCC, but also from local officials. Although common sense suggests that if Shevchuk calls to act in a legal manner, no commission is required. It is simply necessary to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk District Administrative Court, which recognized the right of the UOC community to the Annunciation Church.

A spokesman for the Volyn diocese of the UOC, Protopriest Oleg Tochinsky caught the representative of the UGCC Igor Shaban in a lie about the seizure of the temple. Now the latter is trying to whitewash rather than condemn the offence.

Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich regarded the comment of the UGCC head Sviatoslav Shevchuk to be an attempt to shift the blame for the conflict onto the city authorities, and the ruling bishop of the UGCC in Kolomyia indulging the invaders.
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