Svobodа members threaten deputies with reprisals for allocation of land to Pochaev Lavra (VIDEO)

12 September 2017 23:01
Svobodа members threaten deputies with reprisals for allocation of land to Pochaev Lavra (VIDEO)
Deputy of the Ternopol Region Council from VO "Svoboda" Vasily Gabor and his assistants scandalously disrupted the allocation of land to the Pochaev Lavra at the session of the local city council.

The information about the incident that occurred in late June was reported to the UOJ by the head of the NGO "Public Advocacy" Oleg Denisov, who received documents and the video on request from the Pochaev mayor Vasily Boyko.

On June 30, the city council considered the allocation of land plots to the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra. The Monastery needs the land to service the two old dilapidated buildings, which the Lavra is planning to restore. When the issue was raised for the discussion, Gabor and his fellows disrupted the session.

The Svoboda member began to threaten the deputies that in case they decided the issue positively, they would not be allowed to "neither live nor sleep", and the list of voters "for" would be given to "all patriotic organizations". In the end, Gabor grabbed the ballots from the table and tore them off. As a result, the session was disrupted.

Pochaev City Council appealed to the police, which opened the criminal proceedings. And the NGO "Public Advocacy" will include the report on the incident into the monitoring, which is being prepared for the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

According to the Mayor's Office, the Pochaev Lavra has long helped the city's territorial community, for example, it covered the costs of building a gas pipeline and sewerage.

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