Conflict between UOC and UOC-KP on the temple in Konstantinovka to be decided by the court

09 September 2017 12:42
Conflict between UOC and UOC-KP on the temple in Konstantinovka to be decided by the court
On September 7, the first meeting of the Donetsk Commercial Court of Appeal in Kharkov was held to review the case on the confessional affiliation of the Sretensky Church of Konstantinovka, reports the website of the Gorlovka diocese.

The representative of the Kiev Patriarchate filed the documents immediately before the meeting, and the court did not have time to study them, so the case was postponed.

The date of the next court session will be announced further.

The Kiev Patriarchate has already managed to accuse the Ukrainian court of corruption and promised to fight for the Sretensky Church, which the schismatics occupied in October 2015.

Concerning the seizure of the Sretensky temple, two cases were opened: the first – about illegal changes introduced in the minutes of meetings of the parish council, the second – about the confessional affiliation. The Gorlovka diocese of the UOC won the first case on August 8, 2017.
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