Assembly on Orthodoxy takes control of antichurch laws in Ukraine

01 August 2017 12:16
Assembly on Orthodoxy takes control of antichurch laws in Ukraine
The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) at its 24 annual conference in Rome sharply criticized antichurch bills to be considered by the Ukrainian Parliament. It is said in the Resolution of the Assembly.

In the opinion of the IAO participants, these bills legalize state interference in the issues of the church peace and jeopardize the constitutional rights of millions of Ukrainian believers. The Assembly instructed the IAO Secretariat to constantly monitor the situation in Ukraine.

The annual conference was devoted to the theme: "The Christian dimension of the global crisis and ways to overcome it." The IAO members stated that all sound forces should join their efforts to protect Christians from persecution as well as defend Christian shrines from destruction.

The experts and clergymen have repeatedly pointed to the discriminatory character of draft laws Nos 4128, 4511, 5309.

At the session of the Holy Synod of May 27, 2017, it was decided to set up a Representation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to International Organizations. Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) was appointed head of the Representation.
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