Authorities attempting to intimidate UOC believers, – expert

26 January 2017 19:31
Authorities attempting to intimidate UOC believers, – expert
All these interrogations are a sort of psychological pressure. This opinion was expressed by the head of the analytical center «Third Sector» Andrei Zolotarev regarding searches and interrogations by the SBU, which the enforcement agency applies to certain UOJ workers and organizers of the All-Ukrainian Cross Procession.

"What else could be expected from the power, which is, on the one hand, extremely dirty and corrupt, and, on the other hand, its outer shell and the mythologeme, which it is driven by, is natiocratia? – thinks Andrei Zolotarev. –In a multi-ethnic country where regions have significant cultural and ethnic differences, trying to push the claim "One country, one language, one God", as it was in Poland in the 30-ies, at the times of pacification. What consequences for Poland it had is well-known from history textbooks. Then Poland t was also quite a varied country including the Belarusians, Turks, Ukrainians, etc. Now this is not the case. Those who engage in such things we see now are trying to turn Ukraine into a xenophobic farmstead based on the periphery of Europe. And since it does not stick with the objective reality, the state repressive mechanism is used.

The political analyst believes that in this case the SBU performs an order of the authorities.

"The law-enforcement agencies are not an exception: as far as they are corrupt, so they are ready to serve the political preferences of those in power," said the expert. –It is therefore not surprising that the Ukrainian Cross Procession in its time caused hysteria in the media. They said it could lead to casualties and collisions. But everyone saw that this was nonsense. Realizing that they lost here, the authorities go to the second round, attempting to "nightmarize" those who were involved. Obviously, believing that excessive attention from the "secret police" would alienate people from supporting those activities held by UPC.

Andrei Zolotarev believes that what is currently happening is an attempt of psychological pressure on churches and those whose thoughts and aspirations are not in line with the ideological paradigm of the power.
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