The Georgian Church rejects the Council on Crete as Pan-Orthodox

03 January 2017 01:32
The Georgian Church rejects the Council on Crete as Pan-Orthodox
In the Synodal decision issued by the Georgian Orthodox Church the hierarchy of the Church of Georgia stated that the Council on Crete cannot be Pan-Orthodox as four Churches did not participate in it, reports citing Romfea.

"The decisions of the Council of Crete are not obligatory for the Georgian Church, since the Council of Crete abolished the principle of consensus," reads the statement.

Other points of the conclusive decision state: "The documents issued by the Council of Crete do not reflect important critiques made by the Local Churches, and thus it is necessary for them to be corrected. The documents of Crete need to reflect the teaching of the Orthodox Church; this is not the case with the present set of texts. "

The Holy Synod of the Georgian Church also discussed the decision of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church regarding the Council on Crete.

As the UOJ reported earlier, having considered the text of "The Relation of the Orthodox Church to the Rest of the Christian World," the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church concluded that "the Council held on the island of Crete is neither Great nor Holy, nor Pan-Orthodox."
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