ROC finds untimely to work on Pan-Orthodox Council Message

10 June 2016 19:26
ROC finds untimely to work on Pan-Orthodox Council Message

The Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's External Church Relations Department Metropolitan Hilarion did not take part in the drafting of the message of the Pan-Orthodox Council, which should be ready one week before the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church is convened. The ROC finds their participation untimely because a number of churches suggested postponing the Council since more preparations are needed to resolve all the disputed and contrary issues, reports RIA Novosti.

As it is reported, Metropolitan Hilarion is staying in Moscow at the moment. "Under the circumstances when Churches are one after another refusing to attend the Pan-Orthodox Council unless the major issues concerning the very possibility of the Council are resolved , there isn’t much point to us taking part in work to draft the message from just several Churches,"  said the ROC cleric.

Recall that draft of the Council message is prepared by a special all-Orthodox Commission one week before the Council is convened, that is on Thursday, June 9, and will be subject to approval by the primates of the Orthodox churches. However, under the current circumstances, the very holding of the Pan-Orthodox, due in Crete on16-26 June, is questionable.

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