Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia continues his pilgrimage visit to Mount Athos (PHOTO, VIDEO)

29 May 2016 00:46
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia continues his pilgrimage visit to Mount Athos (PHOTO, VIDEO)

On 27-28 May, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia continues his pilgrimage visit on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Russian presence on the Holy Mount Athos, reports

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church visited the administrative centre of Mount Athos, Karyes, the seat for the Holy Kinot (Protat) and Sacred Epistasiya (Supervision), self-governing bodies of executive power of Mount Athos. Patriarch Kirill was welcomed by Civil Governor of Mount Athos Aristos Kasmiroglou, representatives of the Holy Kinot of Mount Athos – monks from the Xiropotamou and Simonos Petras Monatseries.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia took part in a celebratory mass at the Protaton Cathedral, the earliest of all of the churches on Mount Athos, where he held a prayer before the miraculous icon of Our Lady "It is truly". Also, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church visited the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos, where he performed a prayer service at the relics of the Great Martyr Panteleimon and took part in the evening service at the cathedral of the Monastery. The Primate of the ROC thanked all who helped revive anew the Athonite Monastery.

May 28, 2016, after the Divine Liturgy at the Old Russik, the oldest Russian monastery on Mount Athos, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, accompanied by members of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation, visited the Dormition Skete Ksilurgu – the first Russian monastery on Mount Athos, where for a millennium of Russian presence on Mount Athos restoration works have been carried out.

Patriarch Kirill consecrated the church of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, at the cell block, built in 1885, and then led the prayer service at the newly consecrated church.

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