A 10-minute LGBT march takes place in Kyiv

"March of Equality" in Kyiv. Photo: hromadske

In Kyiv, an LGBT march took place that lasted for 30 minutes, including 20 minutes when participants formed a column. According to Strana reports, LGBT activists were allowed to proceed for about 20 meters under police protection before being encircled by law enforcement, who blocked movement on the street where the Equality March was taking place. Ahead of the column were LGBT activists dressed in military-style attire. Organizers subsequently urged attendees to conceal symbols and calmly disperse into the subway.

Simultaneously, police blocked a column of far-right supporters of traditional values who intended to disrupt the march. After LGBT march participants had dispersed, radicals breached the cordon and attempted to reach the area where the Equality March was held, but were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, they planned to conduct their own march through the city streets.

Earlier, the AUCCRO had appealed to authorities to prevent the Equality March from being held in Kyiv.

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