Does Poroshenko coordinate rallies near the Lavra?

Poroshenko's activists near the Kyiv-Caves Lavra. Photo: UOJ

On March 30, 2023, the UOC was supposed to leave the Lower Lavra. The monks refused to do so. Some activists immediately gathered at the monastery to arrange rallies near the shrine, chanting insults, organizing discos, performances, etc. for many days now.

They resisted with all their might and tried to interfere with the prayer standing of monks and believers, which took place at the entrance to the Lower Lavra from early morning until late evening. In all this action, the journalists of Poroshenko's Channel 5 actively took and are taking part, who broadcast daily streams from the Lavra.

One of the leaders of the activists is a disabled person with a prosthesis and a tattoo on his face. He "ignited" his comrades with powerful energy and banter chants that ridiculed the Church.

The main activist near the Lavra believes that there will be no priests in a "renewed Ukraine".

Soon, this disabled person became famous for a video at one of the Kyiv metro stations, where he and his friend zigged to the camera.

Almost immediately, young people, teenagers and even children got involved in the rallies near the Lavra. The were served tea and home-made posters against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which were taken out of the opposite building. Adult activists also came out of this building. And until recently, it did not cause any emotions – no one knew what kind of room it was, and what all these people were doing in it.

However, everything changed at the end of April when a video surfaced on the Web with these activists from this very building. On the frames, they actively squabble with each other, constantly swear, snatch some things from each other, and so on. But the main thing is not this but where exactly these shots were taken. On the video, we can see that the inscription “European solidarity” flaunts at the entrance, this is the office of Petro Poroshenko’s party, located at 16 Lavrska Street.

Consequently, the main persons of the rallies against the UOC did not come to the Lavra at all at the “call of their hearts”. It turned out to be their job. Moreover, these nice people were obviously coordinated by 22-year-old Yaryna Aryeva, deputy of the Kyiv City Council from Eurosolidarity, who is also the daughter of the MP Volodymyr Aryev of the same party. The still image shows Aryeva discussing something with the main "Nazi" activist.

Yaryna Aryeva together with the main activist of the rallies near the Lavra in the Eurosolidarity office at 16 Lavrska St.

The video also caught another activist, who for many days came with a megaphone near the Lavra and tried to shout down the prayers of the UOC believers.

An activist of the rallies near the Lavra in the Eurosolidarity office at 16 Lavrska St.

The person who filmed this video at the Eurosolidarity office calls himself a Channel 5 camera operator. This really makes a difference and allows putting all the puzzles into one picture.

On April 28, three activists staged several provocations right in the Lavra. In the morning, they came to the Far Caves with posters “Relics are traded here”, “Relics are one of the most powerful ways for the Church to receive money”, “While you are silent, the relics disappear”. One of them is a hairdresser from Boyarka Oleksandr Melnyk, who “works” for many days at rallies near the Lavra in a jacket with the inscription “F*CKING” (very “natural” of a religious person). Another activist, Daryna, claims that instead of relics, there are mannequins stuffed with hay in the Caves. By a strange coincidence, the Channel 5 group was also there, which interviewed the activists and filmed this whole “performance”.

Two activists together with Channel 5, supervised by Eurosolidarity, organized a provocation near the Far Caves.

Later, along with the Channel 5 film crew, as well as the homosexual Satanist and the “magician Belial”, they tried to enter the building of the Kyiv Theological Academy.

At the same time, activist O. Melnyk looked touching carrying a tripod behind the camera operator.

And now – the last puzzle. The believers at the prayer standing have repeatedly seen these two, as well as a group of other activists, for many days entering and leaving the very same Eurosolidarity office already familiar to us and going to “earn their daily bread” to the Lavra.

Activist O. Melnyk carries a tripod behind the Channel 5 camera operator.

That is, the activists who rally near the Lavra and organize provocations inside the Lavra, as well as the workers of Channel 5, who do the same every day, are all one team, which is coordinated by employees of Poroshenko's Eurosolidarity party. Whether Yaryna Aryeva coordinates them or someone older is not a big deal. It is important that all this crowd near the Lavra, which is engaged in inciting hatred of some Ukrainians against others, is the delioberate job of a certain group of people who, apparently, receive remuneration for this.

What does this incitement lead to? This can be answered with the political technology known since ancient times – “divide and rule”. The cultivation of hatred weakens any society, and Ukraine is no exception here. But in our case, there are still very specific mercantile goals – power. "Hetman Poroshenko" lost his notorious "army-language-faith" elections. However, there are elections ahead. And the current government today is doing everything to help him with revanche.

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