UOC archdeacon proves video with songs in Kyiv's Lavra a fake

Deacon Andriy Palchuk. Photo: a screenshot

Archdeacon Andriy Palchuk (the Odesa Eparchy of the UOC) on his Facebook page made a detailed analysis of the video of the song in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and proved that it is fake.

According to him, such a video can be edited by a five-year-old child.

"It is an elementary fake, the video is overlaid with sound from another place, from another country and is presented as a product that should cause a violent reaction," he said.

"Every video has metadata – when it was filmed, on what date, and if the video is changed, this will also be indicated. This video has in its metadata that it was altered using a video editor at 10.47 pm on November 12, the video shows that people are in the temple and it is daytime outside," he added.

"This video was remade at night, edited on knees, and posted immediately on all Telegram channels such as Religiina Pravda, Ukraine 24, Advokat Prava, Insider UA, Typical Ukraine, Trukha, Andriyuk Online, Ukraine Online, with millions of subscribers who serve the interests of OCU and the previous president, and is a cheap fake," continued the UOC archdeacon.

The archdeacon gave examples of how a video from one place can be overlaid with sound from another place and urged everyone who recognizes themselves in it to write to him in a personal message on Facebook and tell him what was happening there.

The archdeacon also asked law enforcement agencies to pay attention to the activities of the OCU "cleric" Mykhailo Omelyan, who incites religious hatred in Ukraine during the war by spreading such fakes.

As earlier reported, the SBU launched an investigation into a fake video from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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