Christmas star сan be replaced with trident on main Х-mas tree

The KСSA after discussions decided to install the main Christmas tree of the country and has already developed several options for its decoration. One of the sketches was shown to the media by Igor Dobrutsky, the organizer of the Christmas celebration in Sofia Square last year, reports

It shows the Christmas tree decorated with toys in the yellow and blue colours of the national flag, with flowers and candles. A trident is expected to be attached to the top instead of the traditional Christmas star.

"Now we are exploring all the possibilities for installing the main Christmas tree. Various options are being discussed. The mayor has confirmed that the Christmas tree will be put up. Several sketches of the Christmas tree have already been developed. I can say that this time the Christmas tree will not be about a New Year's miracle. This year it's a completely different story," said Igor Dobrutsky.

As reported, the main 2022-2021 Christmas tree of Ukraine, instead of the traditional symbol of Christmas – the Bethlehem star, which shone at the birth of Christ, was decorated with a glowing hat, which caused a public outcry.

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