The Pope says he has “love for the Russian and Ukrainian peoples”

Pope Francis confessed his love for Ukrainians and Russians, reports

“I have high esteem for the Russian people, for Russian humanism. Just think of Dostoevsky, who to this day inspires us, inspires Christians to think of Christianity,” Pope Francis said during a press conference on board the plane on his way to Rome after his apostolic trip to Bahrain.

“I am in midst of two peoples that I love,” said the pontiff.

Also, the Pope siad he is "tormented by the cruelty" during the hostilities of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and stated that, in his opinion, "cruelty is not of the Russian people," and called Russians "a great people."

As the UOJ reported, the Pope announced his readiness to hold talks in the Vatican between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to resolve conflicts.

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