Medvedev: SMO is aimed to stop the supreme ruler of hell

Dmitry Medvedev explained what Russia is fighting for in Ukraine today. In an interview with EADaily, the deputy head of Russia's Security Council said that Russians "do not want foreign territories", but "there is a sacred land that we will not give to anyone".

"We are fighting against those who hate us, who ban our language, our values and even our faith, who plant hatred on the history of our Fatherland," Medvedev reasoned. “There is a part of the dying world against us today. It is a bunch of crazy Nazi junkies, the people fooled and frightened by them, and a large pack of barking dogs from the Western kennel. With them is a motley pack of grunting piglets and narrow-minded philistines from a collapsed western empire with drool dripping down their chins from degeneration. They have no beliefs or ideals except their own filthy habits and their own self-imposed standards of doublethink, which deny the moral high ground granted to normal people. Therefore, by rising up against them, we have acquired sacred power.”

According to the former Russian president, "the awakening of Russia was awaited by other countries raped by the masters of darkness," and they have "the opportunity to send all enemies into fiery hell," but there is no such task.

"We listen to the Creator's words in our hearts and obey them. Those words are what give us the sacred purpose. The goal is to stop the supreme ruler of hell, whatever name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or Iblis. For his purpose is destruction. Our goal is life," Medvedev explained the aims of the SMO.

As reported, the head of the Chechen republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that Muslims in Ukraine are fighting Satanism by defending religious values.

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