Kremlin ready to discuss ways of resolving the war in Ukraine with the Pope

The Kremlin is not against the involvement of Pope Francis in looking for the ways of settlement in Ukraine; however, it notes that the Kyiv legislation impedes negotiations with Russia. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov during a conversation with reporters, Interfax reports.

“If all of this is part of efforts toward looking for a possible settlement, this can be viewed positively. But on the other hand, this statement says nothing about someone having to call [Ukrainian] President [Vladimir] Zelensky and look into the legal basis that prohibits any negotiations with the Russian side,” the Kremlin spokesman responded.

“We are ready to discuss all of this with the Americans, with the French, and with the Pontiff. Russia is open to all contacts, but we must bear in mind that Ukraine has codified the non-continuation of negotiations,” Peskov added.

Recall that French President Emmanuel Macron requested Pope Francis to call the President of Russia and Patriarch Kirill to help resolve the military conflict in Ukraine.

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