Zelenskyy urged to appoint a UOC-opposed radical as the head of SBU

On September 22, 2022, on the portal with electronic petitions addressed to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, more than 25,000 votes were received by a proposal to appoint a citizen Yevhen Karas as the new head of the Security Service of Ukraine. The initiator of the petition is Andriy Skrypnyk.

Karas is the leader of the S14 radical group, which has repeatedly staged provocations near the temples of the UOC and terrorized clergy and believers.

The nationalists repeatedly picketed the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, went to the monastery to "scour for separatists" and even blocked the office of the UOJ. In November 2017, the far-right organization S14 was added to the list of international terrorist organizations.

Recall that in order for Zelenskyy to consider any electronic petition, it must gain at least 25 thousand votes; thus, the Head of State will be obliged to respond to the proposal to appoint the radical Karas to a high position in the Government.

As reported by the UOJ, Yevhen Karas boasted a photo with Petro Poroshenko taken at the "Tomos holiday of the OCU".

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