ROC hierarch calls war in Ukraine "spiritual resistance"

The bishop of the Russian Church from Volgodonsk Eparchy blessed the mobilized citizens for "spiritual resistance" and urged them not to lose faith on Ukrainian soil. Bishop Antony published the corresponding text and a photo gallery with Volgodonsk conscripts on his Telegram channel.

"Have no doubt that you are going to do your duty, and it makes a lot of sense," the hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church wrote, "No matter what anyone says, this is no longer a geopolitical resistance. This resistance is spiritual. You are going to defend the land, which is watered with the blood and sweat of a Russian man. You are going to defend the right to live on this land. To speak the Russian language. To pray and believe as we do. To raise children the way we understand. To live the way our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers taught us.”.

Bishop Antony of Volgodonsk and Salsk wished the Russians departing to the "SMO" zone not to lose faith and pray, and blessed them to "return home victorious”.

As reported, Father Andrey Tropin, a ROC priest of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church in Pervouralsk, described how he fought in Ukraine as part of Kadyrov's Akhmat detachment.

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