Tkachev: The war with Ukraine is religious, where Russia is the New Israel

Andrei Tkachev, a blogger-priest with an audience of 1.5 million, said in his Telegram channel that Ukraine is now in a "religious war in case someone is too stupid not to understand this."

The priest believes that the current Russian Federation is the "New Israel", which "is hated by God's enemies." They hate it for the same reason they hated the Jews – "for fidelity to the One and true God and for a special way of life that abhors pagan practices."

According to Fr. Andrei Tkachev, modern Russia is an Orthodox state, in which “Jews, Muslims and just morally oriented people” feel good.

He is sure that in order to cultivate the spirit on Russian television, it is necessary to show the icons of the Great Martyr George and the Archangel Michael, along with portraits of the military leaders of the USSR: “Coupled with the commanders of tsarist times, they should appear regularly on screen, get embossed on the retina and then – in the heart. We are the New Israel, possessed of a unique mission and, as it was in old times, full of disoriented commoners and depraved chiefs.”

“This is a religious war in case someone is too stupid not to understand this,” concluded the ROC priest.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Fr. Andrei Tkachev called the war in Ukraine religious and urged to follow the example of Russian Muslims.

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