OCU leader tells Norwegian ambassador about the danger posed by UOC

On October 11, 2022, head of the OCU Epifaniy Dumenko and Norwegian Ambassador Erik Svedal discussed the danger that the UOC allegedly poses to Ukrainian society. This is reported by the pomisna.info.

The report said that according to Dumenko, the UOC remains the last organization associated with Russia.

"We consider this a dangerous component, because many representatives of their clergy have turned out to be collaborators, and in response to all our appeals for a full dialogue we receive only contemptuous ultimatums and absurd accusations of seizing parishes. It is clear that this does not lead to interfaith peace and the strengthening of national security," said Epifaniy during a conversation with the ambassador of Norway.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Dumenko visited the British ambassador and discussed with her the development of the OCU.

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