Primate of UOC: War and murder are incompatible with love

On October 9, 2022, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry emphasized in his Sunday sermon that love makes a person truly free and excludes the oppression of another person, reports.

The Archpastor noted that "war, murder and oppression of each other are incompatible with love."

“Love always gives a person true freedom,” His Beatitude said, “the freedom, promised to man by the Lord. Only love frees a person from sin and makes us free in the true sense of the word.

The Primate wished, first of all, to love God.

“Love for God reveals itself not in lofty feelings, but in the fulfillment of the Sacred Divine Laws. Whoever fulfills sacred laws loves God. The one who does not fulfill them can say anything, but he does not have love,” His Beatitude noted.

The Primate of the UOC added that it is also important to learn how to properly show love for your neighbor.

“Loving God above all else and loving your neighbor as yourself are the two commandments on which the Divine law is established. This lofty love is taught and called by the holy Apostle John the Theologian, who stands before the Throne of God in Heaven and prays for all of us.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the Primate of the UOC called the first sign of true love.

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