Sviatogorsk Lavra rep speaks of plans to restore monastery

On September 29-30, the clergy of the Odesa Eparchy went on a humanitarian mission to the Sviatogorsk Lavra. The clerics shared the results of their trip on the eparchy's YouTube channel.

Archimandrite Lazar, a Sviatogorsk Lavra monk, spoke about plans for the restoration work.

"With God's help we will restore the roof, it needs material to cover the roof – for now it is roofing material and sheeting to seal the windows. At the moment, we do not see the point of replacing the window blocks," said Fr Lazar.

The archimandrite also spoke about the specific needs of the monastery in anticipation of the cold season.

"For us to make it through the winter, we need to heat the boiler house so that the buildings, which remain intact, do not become unusable during the winter. Either coal or firewood is needed for this. Lavra's plumbers have already connected the radiators on the floors that need to be heated. So, we need coal, firewood, diesel fuel and solar oil – there are generators that provide electricity, which works pumps in the wells and in the boiler house," said the Sviatogorsk Lavra monk.

As reported, with the blessing of Metropolitan Agafangel, the clergymen of the Odesa Eparchy brought humanitarian aid to the Sviatogorsk Lavra.

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