Estonian Foreign Office proposes to include Pat Kirill in EU sanctions list

The Estonian Foreign Ministry will propose to the European Union that Patriarch Kirill be included in the sanctions list, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Estonia Urmas Reinsalu said on September 28, 2022. It is reported by

He noted that this decision followed the statements of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, praising the "genocidal war." This is how the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the words of the Patriarch that Russian soldiers on the battlefield are fulfilling their duty to the homeland and society, therefore their actions are self-sacrifice. According to the Patriarch, the dead soldiers will be forgiven all their sins.

Recall that due to the position of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, the European Union was unable to impose sanctions against Patriarch Kirill; however, the authorities of Great Britain, Canada and Ukraine subjected the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to sanctions. Lithuania banned the Patriarch from entering its territory. The OCU proposed to Phanar to deprive the head of the Russian Orthodox Church of the patriarchal status, while the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia demanded that the Patriarch issue the Tomos of autocephaly for the Latvian Orthodox Church.

As the UOJ wrote, the Estonian authorities threatened to deport the head of the Orthodox Church in the country if he calls for war.

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