Patriarch of ROC urges Russians not to consider Ukrainians as enemies

On September 21, 2022, Patriarch Kirill called o pray for a "genuine victory" that would "come without any battles or bloodshed" and return "spiritual unity, peace, prosperity and mutual love" to the lands of Holy Rus. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said this in his homily at the end of the liturgy at the Zachatievsky Stauropegial Convent in Moscow.

Speaking about Ukraine, the Patriarch warned the flock “that one should avoid the feeling that there are enemies there” and recalled that the collapse of the USSR began with attempts to “break the Church, create schisms and divisions.”

“Although we have suffered losses, and a dangerous, graceless schism has arisen in Ukraine, the Orthodox faith is preserved there, and our brothers and sisters, archpastors and pastors, who are united with us around the Throne of the Lord, continue to pray, I believe, for an end to the civil strife and for the restoration of peace in the expanses of historical Rus,” the Primate of the ROC emphasized.

“Therefore, today we keep praying even more fervently to the Lord that He would pacify Rus, eliminate an internecine strife so that Holy Rus would be reunited to the effect that no discord and division would torment the heirs of the united Holy Rus,” said Patriarch Kirill.

As the UOJ wrote, Patriarch Kirill congratulated the Primate of the UOC on the anniversary of his enthronement.

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