More than 80 people detained at protests against LGBT Pride in Belgrade

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that 13 police officers were injured and 87 people were detained during the protests in Belgrade against the Gay Pride parade, reports

"No citizens were injured, 13 police officers were slightly injured. 87 people were detained, a criminal case was initiated against 11, the rest will be charged with an administrative offence," said the head of the Serbian Interior Ministry.

On Saturday, September 17th, LGBT people in the Serbian capital marched from the Constitutional Court to Tasmajdan, a public park, as part of the Euro Pride 2022 gay festival. The US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, was spotted among the crowd.

The Interior Ministry had previously banned the Gay Pride parade, but the organisers said they later approved it. The organizers and supporters of the Gay Pride parade collected 27,000 signatures on a petition to the Serbian authorities asking them to allow the march, while an open letter with a similar appeal was signed by 22 embassies of Western countries in Belgrade.


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