Lviv RMA head asked to fire teachers who go to UOC churches

In a letter dated September 12, 2022, the head of the village of Verkhnia Yablun'ka, Eva Semkiv, asked the chairman of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Maxim Kozitsky, to dismiss the director of the local school and teachers who attended services in the churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, report “supporters of the OCU” on their Facebook page.

“We ask, in accordance with the decision of the general meeting, to assist in the dismissal of the director of the Verkhnia Yablun'ka UOSO of I-III levels and teachers who constantly attended services in the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate during the full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia, thereby setting a negative example for pupils,” the statement reads.

The document states that the protocol of the general meeting of the villagers with their signatures is attached.

Eva Semkiv's letter caused an active discussion in the group.

“You are raiders and liars. The UOC is a Ukrainian Church. This is you, unfortunately, who are an artificially created politically patriotic association under Turkish leadership, besides, you also claim the property in Ukraine,” Facebook users commented.

“But what about the soldiers, UOC believers, who die for us? Are they also, in your opinion, collaborators?” another comment reads.

In 2021, the Church of the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God (UOC) was consecrated in Verkhnia Yablun'ka. On April 11, 2022, after the parish refused to move to the OCU, a large-scale fire broke out in the temple.

As reported, in Ivachkiv OCU raiders again attacked the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos.

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