Lawyer urges to send Zelensky 25000 statements on violations of UOC rights

Lawyer and head of the All-Ukrainian Sisterhood of Mary Magdalene Victoria Kokhanovska on her Facebook page called for a flashmob to send the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy 25 thousand statements on the violations of the rights of UOC believers.

"Our goal is 25 thousand statements, we are interested in an immediate reaction and response provided by the Code of Ukraine, after receiving – a response within 10 days," Victoria Kokhanovska wrote.

According to her, the ban and the transfer of UOC churches to any other denomination are possible only under conditions of compliance with the law of Ukraine, or by the decision of the court of Ukraine, Zelenskyy as the guarantor of the Constitution is obliged to respond to the numerous violations of the rights of UOC believers.

"The President of Ukraine as the guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine and the subject of ensuring the national security of Ukraine is obliged to respond to such violations (raiding UOC churches – Ed.) and must demand that all the subjects of power observe the principle of the rule of law," added Victoria Kokhanovska.

As earlier reported, a lawyer spoke about leaflets slandering him: “I’m avenged for defending UOC.”

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