In Belgrade, believers once again march in thousands against the gay parade

On August 28, 2022, supporters of traditional values together with priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church marched along the streets of Belgrade, as the Serbian president announced the cancellation of Europride. This is reported by the BBC.

The procession started from the cathedral in Belgrade. From there, the citizens of Serbia, together with the clergy, went to the Church of Saint Sava. The streets of the city were closed to traffic. The participants of the action carried crosses, icons, crucifixes and posters against gay parades and LGBT.

"We came out to make it clear that we do not agree to the postponement of the gay parade. We want it to be banned," said the organizer of the procession, Ivica Bozhic.

The day before, on August 27, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that Europride would be canceled or postponed. The Serbian government explained that Belgrade "currently has no conditions for the safe holding of an international event dedicated to LGBT rights" and that "some extremist groups may use this event to increase tensions and lead to instability in Serbia."

The organizers of Europride responded that the state cannot cancel the event, but can only ban it, but such a decision would be unconstitutional. "Europride will take place," they emphasized.

Bishop Nikanor of the Serbian Orthodox Church, known for his irreconcilable position towards LGBT, took part in the procession, noting that the general desire of the Serbs is that "the anomaly, which is shamelessly called a parade, does not happen in the next hundred years." "Those who want to destroy Serbian values deserve anathema," added the bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The organizers of Europride filed a complaint with the police against the bishop for threats and incitement to violence against LGBT people.

We remind you that on August 15, 2022, a demonstration of many thousands against the gay parade took place in Belgrade, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced its cancellation.

As the UOJ wrote, in Great Britain parents protest against meetings of transvestites with their children.

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