Vandals break the Virgin icon and paint gates of UOC temple in Bohdashiv

On the night of August 19-20, in the village of Bohdashiv, Rivne region, unidentified people smashed the windows of the chapel and the icon of the Iberian Mother of God with stones and painted the central and side gates of the Exaltation of the Cross church of the UOC with Z letter, the press service of the Rivne diocese reports.

Law enforcement officers recorded the details of the crime and opened criminal proceedings.

According to the press service, there are four chapels in honor of the icons of the Mother of God on the territory of the Exaltation of the Cross church, which are the architectural part of the fence. The chapel in honor of the Iberian Icon is located on the southwestern side of the temple.

The rector's son, Pavlo Rudyuk, said that unknown people committed desecration of this icon two years ago – they had thrown mud at it and broken the glass.

As the UOJ previously reported, OCU activists tried to expel the rector from the UOC church in Znosychi village.

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