Uman mayor about Hasidim coming: We have not been expecting them

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, more than 300 Hasidim arrived in the town of Uman, Cherkasy region, reports

"We have not been expecting them, and we appeal to them a thousand times not to go because the situation is not good at all. They should not go and put themselves and our residents in danger," said Iryna Pletneva, Uman mayor. She recalled that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had addressed the Hasidim and explained that Ukraine would not be able to accept them and provide security due to the martial law.

The mayor noted that she cannot forbid the citizens of Israel to come to Ukraine, but their appearance has complicated the situation, as the National Police will have to take over the protection of the guests, and this work must be paid for. "It's not one million hryvnias, and how much we should spend from the city budget now – I don't quite understand," Pletneva stressed.

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) will be celebrated this year on September 25-27. Usually, 30 to 50 thousand pilgrims come to Uman to celebrate it.

As reported, Ukraine will not be able to host Jewish pilgrims in Uman because of the war.

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